There’s Hope for Unattractive Toenails


Many things can go wrong with your toenails, making them look unhealthy and unattractive. Anyone who’s stricken with brittle or crumbling toenails, nails that are grossly misshapen, permanently discolored nails, or nails that are damaged from some kind of trauma will rejoice at this news:
Your nails can be restored with Keryflex.

Keryflex is a nail restoration system that brings nails back to their original beauty in a matter of minutes, and we perform the procedure right here in the offices of Affiliated Foot & Ankle Center in Monmouth County, NJ.

4 simple steps to beautiful nails

  1. To begin, our board-certified podiatrists will make sure nails are clean, dry, and free of any lotions. We then remove as much of the damaged nail as necessary and carefully clear away any loose, flaky, or discolored pieces.
  2. The next step in Keryflex application is to apply a bonding agent. Using a special brush, this base layer is thinly painted onto the existing nail, providing a surface for the next step.
  3. Next, we brush on a coat of synthetic resin, essentially creating a new nail. If necessary, the resin can be applied in more than one coat, with drying time in between each coat. Each coat is also cured with a short exposure to ultraviolet light.
  4. Finally, the new nail is sealed with a sealing agent and cured again for a couple of minutes with UV light.

From start to finish, the procedure takes only about 30 minutes. In that short amount of time, you’ve gone from a damaged nail to a durable, flexible, natural-looking new toenail. A nail that’s been restored with Keryflex is ready for socks or nail polish right away. As your natural nail grows, the Keryflex nail will need to be filed down.

Click here to see “before” and “after” pictures of restored nails on our website. Call us at (732) 905-1110 to find out if you’re a candidate for this simple, effective, and affordable procedure. You may also make an appointment online with Dr. Samantha Boyd, Dr. Hal Ornstein, or Dr. Joseph Saka.