Fix Your Aging Feet


At Affiliated Foot & Ankle Center, we want our patients’ feet to remain as healthy as possible no matter how long they’ve been walking the planet. There’s really no better day to talk about caring for the aging foot than National I Love My Feet Day! Celebrated every year in August, it’s a holiday that our Monmouth County podiatrists can promote with all our heart. 

Older feet can show signs of age

A foot’s complex network of bones, muscles, nerves, tendons, blood vessels, joints, and ligaments is an amazing work of anatomical art. When everything works, it’s a thing of beauty. But foot problems do crop up. Some 70% of us will experience foot pain in our lives, and the chances increase as we grow older.

Older Americans often live under the misconception that foot pain is just something they have to accept. But it’s not true: you don’t have to put up with foot pain! Love your feet by seeking the help of Dr. Samantha Boyd, Dr. Hal Ornstein, Dr. Dan Phan, and Dr. Joseph Saka when pain interferes with your life.

3 ways to love your older feet:

  • Measure them. Many foot problems such as blisters, calluses, bunions, and other toe deformities can be traced back to shoes that are too small. Feet can absolutely change sizes as we age. Never assume that if you’ve worn a size 9 for years that you’re still a size 9. Get them professionally measured by a knowledgeable shoe salesperson.
  • Give them some exercise. The effects of arthritis can often be mitigated by exercise. Moving your joints can actually reduce inflammation. Foot and toe-stretching exercises keep feet nimble and can provide a strong base that helps prevent seniors from falling.
  • Seek help early. A foot problem can be relatively easy to fix in its early stages. If you wait too long to visit a podiatrist, the solution may be more complicated. In addition, it’s important to find out if your foot problem originates somewhere else in the body such as your knees or back, or if it is signaling another problem like Type 2 diabetes.

Show your senior feet the love they deserve. Check out our podiatry services page to learn about the many foot issues we treat. Contact us whenever you have questions about your feet or would like to make an appointment to see us in Howell or Jackson, New Jersey. Our phone number is (732) 905-1110.