No Need To Hide Your Unsightly Toenails - Fix Them Instead!


Have the Monmouth County spring-like temperatures got you thinking about pulling your sandals out from the back of the closet? Or does the condition of your toenails mean that you gave up sandals a long time ago? Affiliated Foot & Ankle Center has a solution for embarrassing toenails that can have you parading around in open-toed shoes in no time: the KeryFlex™ nail restoration system.  

What is Keryflex™?

KeryFlex™ restores damaged nails. They may be brittle and crumbling from persistent fungal infection. Or they may have been injured in an accident. You may also be a candidate for this type of toenail restoration if your toenails have become discolored, changed their shape, or have ridges or splits.

How it works

One of our board-certified podiatrists (Dr. Samantha Boyd, Dr. Hal Ornstein, Dr. Dan Phan, and Dr. Joseph Saka) will prepare the nail or nails to be treated, and then use a brush to apply a synthetic material called resin. The resin is flexible, so we can shape the nail specifically to the shape that fits your toe. Then we dry it using ultraviolet light. The whole procedure only takes about 30 minutes. We perform it right here in our office.

What are the benefits?

  • Nails that have been restored with KeryFlex™ look totally natural.

  • KeryFlex™ nails are strong. You may polish them, use nail polish remover, and wash them as usual.

  • It’s safe and FDA-approved.

  • A restored nail lasts 2 to 3 months before you need to come in for a reapplication. Or just let it grow out along with your natural nail.

 What else do you need to know?

KeryFlex™ is a cosmetic procedure that we use to improve a toenail’s appearance. It’s not a treatment for infected nails. However, we do use it in conjunction with laser fungal treatments, so you can knock out infection and replace the damaged nail at the same time.

 Call us in Howell or Jackson, New Jersey at (732) 905-1110 to find out more about KeryFlex™ and decide if it’s right for you. You can also click here to make an appointment online.