Bone and Joint Health Matters - Even for Kids


The letters “PB&J” don’t always stand for a kid’s favorite sandwich. They also stand for Pediatric Bone and Joint Day! PB&J is part of Bone and Joint National Awareness Week (October 12-20), an observance that we’re happy to stand behind here at Affiliated Foot & Ankle Center. To stand on their own two feet, kids need a strong foundation. They need to take certain steps to strengthen and protect the 26 bones and 33 joints in their feet.  

Our board-certified podiatrists Dr. Samantha Boyd, Dr. Hal Ornstein, Dr. Dan Phan, and Dr. Joseph Saka recommended that children do two simple things to promote good bone and joint health: 

  1. Get enough bone-strengthening nutrients.
    Two nutrients essential for good bone health are calcium and Vitamin D. Without these, bones will fail to develop properly. Children can consume calcium from calcium-rich foods including leafy greens like kale and spinach, dried figs, cheese and yogurt, fortified cereals and milk. However, in order to absorb the calcium from foods, kids also need to get enough Vitamin D. The problem is that there aren’t very many foods that contain it. So many pediatricians recommend a Vitamin D supplement for kids. They also suggest that kids spend a limited amount of time in the sun without sunscreen since exposure to the sun’s rays helps the body make Vitamin D.

  2. Get some exercise.
    Bones remain strong through regular weight-bearing exercises. Exercise also keeps fluids moving freely through a child’s joints, helping them stay lubricated and flexible.

Biomechanics matter

Everybody’s bones are put together in essentially the same way; however, no one foot or ankle is quite the same as another. There are variations in bone and joint structure. Podiatrists refer to these variations as an individual’s biomechanics. Faulty biomechanics means that a child may be prone to certain foot ailments such as flat feet. If your child complains about foot or joint pain, bring them into our Monmouth County office for a complete foot exam. Call us in Howell or Jackson, New Jersey at (732) 905-1110 or make an appointment online.