When It Comes to Foot and Ankle Health, Move Forward Not Backward


Actor and comedian James Corden once said that if we’re to celebrate National Backward Day every January 31, we really should call it Day Backward National (ba-dum-tss!). National Backward Day is great fun for families who love to put their sweatshirts on backward and eat breakfast for dinner. But when it comes to treating foot and ankle injuries, our board-certified podiatrists always start at the beginning and move forward.

Can you imagine what would happen if podiatrists Samantha Boyd, DPM, Hal Ornstein, DPM, Dan Phan, DPM and Joseph Saka, DPM were to perform surgery at your first visit and then diagnose your problem at your second? We never work backward. We always treat your foot or ankle problem carefully and professionally, using minimally invasive methods first and moving on to surgical corrections only when absolutely necessary.

How you can help move forward with your foot health

  • Stay ahead of the game by taking fast action with foot problems. Many issues will get worse if you ignore them. Make an appointment with us at Affiliated Foot & Ankle Center in Monmouth County when foot or ankle pain lasts more than 2-3 days. Treating a foot or ankle problem promptly can mean the difference between lifelong pain and full healing.

  • Ditch any shoes that pinch your toes, cause blisters, or slip off with every step. We blame shoes that don’t fit well for problems such as hammertoes and neuromas.

  • Don’t back down from your New Year’s resolutions to eat a healthy diet and get regular exercise. You’ll keep foot and ankle muscles and bones strong while improving your overall health.

For relief from bunions, sports injuries, arch and heel pain, fungal toenails and anything else that plagues your lower limbs, call our Howell and Jackson, New Jersey offices at (732) 905-1110 or contact us online. We’ll bend over backward to find a solution to your foot or ankle pain.