Get Prompt Treatment for a Broken Bone


A foot fracture can happen in a second. You’re in a hurry and accidentally kick a chair leg on the way out the door. You’re getting your daily exercise and land weirdly on one foot, or helping a friend move some heavy boxes and drop one smack in the middle of you-know-where. As quickly as you can break a bone, you should just as quickly get it treated. That’s because broken bones that don’t heal properly can pose problems in the future such as chronic pain and arthritis.

You may have noticed that we’re using the words “fractured” and “broken” interchangeably. They mean the same thing and one isn’t worse than the other. However, one broken bone can be worse than another. On a scale from bad to worse, you could have one of the following:

  • A stress fracture. The bone has one or more hairline cracks. Stress fractures are common in runners and others whose feet are subjected to repetitive force or overuse. They can also occur in someone whose bones have been weakened by osteoporosis.

  • A non-displaced fracture. The bone is broken but the pieces are still in their normal position.

  • A displaced fracture. Broken pieces of bone have moved out of place and no longer line up correctly. There may be a slight shift or, with severe trauma such as a car accident, the bones may be shattered into pieces.

There are many different subsets of these basic kinds of fractures. The board-certified surgeons at Affiliated Foot & Ankle Center are highly-qualified to treat all of them. For expert treatment of a broken foot or toe, call us at (732) 905-1110 or contact us online for an urgent appointment with Dr. Samantha Boyd, Dr. Hal Ornstein, Dr. Dan Phan or Dr. Joseph Saka. We’re on call 24 hours a day for patients throughout Monmouth County, New Jersey at our offices in Howell and Jackson.