Seniors Citizens Don’t Have to Put up With Foot Pain


We’re passionate about foot care for seniors here at Affiliated Foot & Ankle Center in Monmouth County, New Jersey. That’s why we’re excited to let you know about As Young as You Feel Day, observed every year on March 22. The organizers of this national celebration encourage senior citizens to take care of their minds and bodies by thinking positively, dealing with life optimistically, and simply getting out there and doing things. All of that becomes a lot easier when your feet are in good shape.

Feet of all ages are subject to stress and strain - we walk, run, chase after our children, and play sports. By the time people enter their “golden years,” it’s not unusual for their feet to feel....not so young anymore. Feet may show their age, but you don’t have to put up with the pain. There are steps you can take to fix it, and many more you can take to prevent foot problems from developing in the first place.

Prevent foot problems by

  • Wearing shoes that fit well. Toss old shoes that no longer provide support.

  • Keeping your weight in a healthy range to avoid excess stress on your feet.

  • Keeping blood pressure and cholesterol low; good cardiovascular health assures that pumping healing blood continues to your lower limbs.

  • Washing and moisturizing your feet daily.

  • Cutting toenails straight across, never on a curve.

Treat foot pain with

Besides pain, seniors should look out for changes in shape, wounds that aren’t healing, numbness, swelling, discoloration, discharge, and other signs of infection. We handle all of these foot and ankle issues at our offices in Howell and Jackson. Call us at (732) 905-1110 or make an appointment online.