Treat Fungal Toenails Now for Pretty Nails this Summer


If you’ve been thinking about doing something about your fungal toenails, our advice is to schedule an appointment soon at Affiliated Foot & Ankle Center in Howell and Jackson, New Jersey. Successful treatment for thickened, yellowed, crumbling nails often involves two steps that can take several months to complete:

  1. Get rid of the fungus
    Traditional treatments for eliminating a fungal nail infection tend to take a long time. Oral medications do a good job killing off the fungus, but many of our patients are reluctant to use them because of their side effects. A second option is using a topical cream, which needs to be applied twice a day for several months or more. That requires a certain amount of discipline and perseverance that not all patients can endure. Also, topical creams can take up to a year to improve the appearance of your nails.

    In addition to topical creams and oral medications, you can opt for laser therapy to stamp out annoying fungus. Laser treatments are short, painless, and cleared by the FDA. You can expect healthy nails to begin growing out after about three months of laser treatments.

  2. Make your nails look healthy and natural.
    We use the Keryflex nail restoration system to improve the appearance of your toenails as you wait for them to grow back naturally. And the good news is that you don’t have to wait until your fungus is completely gone. We use Keryflex in conjunction with laser and other nail-eradication systems so you can enjoy beautiful nails as soon as possible.

Nail fungus can be pretty persistent. If you’ve tried over-the-counter creams with no success or if your nail fungus goes away but comes back, call in the professionals. Our board-certified podiatrists Dr. Samantha Boyd, Dr. Hal Ornstein, Dr. Dan Phan, and Dr. Joseph Saka, can treat your toenail fungus at either of our Monmouth County locations. Get your toenails ready for summer and sandals: call us at (732) 905-1110 or click here to request an appointment via our secure website.